How To Grow Aubergine From Seed?


Aubergines, also known as eggplants, is a popular vegetable in many parts of the world. They are nutritious, versatile, and easy to cook. While you can buy aubergine seedlings from a nursery, to grow Aubergine from seed can be a fun and rewarding experience.

In this article, I will discuss everything you need to know about how to grow aubergines from seed.

Do you want to grow fresh and delicious aubergines in your garden or balcony? With a little effort, patience, and the proper guidance, you can start your aubergine plants from seeds and enjoy a bountiful harvest in a few months. Let’s get started!


Aubergines and tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers belong to the nightshade family. They are native to Asia but have spread to many other regions, including Europe, Africa, and America. Aubergines come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, from small and round to long and slender and from purple to green, white, or striped.

Aubergines are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are low in calories and carbohydrates, making them suitable for weight loss and diabetes management. Aubergines are also rich in nasunin, a phytonutrient that may protect against brain damage and improve cognitive function.

Growing aubergines from seed is a cost-effective way to produce healthy and organic vegetables at home. It allows you to choose the varieties you prefer, control the growing conditions, and avoid pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

Can You Grow Aubergines from Seed?

Yes, you can grow aubergines from seed, and it’s easy if you follow the proper steps. 

Can You Grow Aubergines from Seed?

However, aubergines are a warm-season crop that requires a long growing season and a lot of sunlight, so you need to start the seeds indoors or in a greenhouse about 8-10 weeks before the last expected frost date your area. 

If you live in a warm and sunny climate, you can sow the seeds directly outdoors after the soil has warmed up.

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How to Grow Eggplant / Aubergines from Seed?

Here are the steps to grow aubergines from seed:

Choose the Right Seeds

Find high-quality aubergine seeds from a reliable supplier. You can choose from various types, such as Black Beauty, Rosa Bianca, Long Purple, or Ichiban. Read the package instructions carefully and check the seed viability and germination rate.

Start the Seeds Indoors

 Fill a tray or pot with the seed-starting mix, compost, and vermiculite. Moisten the soil and make small depressions about 1/4 inch deep with your finger. Place 2-3 seeds per depression and cover them lightly with soil. 

Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, and place the tray or pot in a warm and bright location, such as a windowsill or under grow lights. The ideal temperature for aubergine seeds to germinate is around 25-30°C.

Transplant the Seedlings

Once the seedlings emerge, remove the weaker ones and leave only the strongest ones per depression. 

When the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, which are the leaves that grow after the cotyledons, you can transplant them into larger pots or containers filled with a well-draining potting mix. Thick the stem in the first set of leaves to promote stronger roots. Water the seedlings regularly and keep them in a warm and sunny place.

Harden off and Plant Out 

After a few weeks, when the seedlings have grown bigger and sturdier, you can start hardening them off, gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions, such as wind, sun, and temperature changes. 

Start by placing the seedlings outside for a few hours daily in a sheltered and shady spot, and gradually increase the time and exposure over a week or two. This will help the seedlings adjust to the outdoor environment and prevent shock or damage.

Plant the Seedlings Outdoors

Once the seedlings are hardened off, you can plant them outdoors in a sunny and well-draining spot. Space them at least 18-24 inches apart for adequate growth and airflow. 

You can add some organic fertilizer or compost to the soil before planting to boost the nutrients. Water the seedlings well and mulch around them to retain moisture and prevent weeds.

Care for the Plants

Aubergines require regular watering, especially during hot and dry weather. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, and avoid splashing water on the leaves to prevent fungal diseases. You can also add some organic mulch around the plants to conserve moisture and prevent weeds. 

Aubergines benefit from a balanced fertilizer or a side dressing of compost or aged manure every few weeks during the growing season. Monitor the plants for pests and diseases, such as aphids, spider mites, powdery mildew, or bacterial wilt, and take prompt action if needed.

Also, Read

How Long Do Aubergines Take to Grow from Seed?

How Long Do Aubergines Take to Grow from Seed?

Aubergines take about 70-100 days to mature from seed, depending on the variety, the growing conditions, and the climate. The first flowers may appear after 6-8 weeks of planting, and the fruits may start to form after 10-12 weeks

The size and shape of the fruits may vary, but most aubergines are ready to harvest when they reach full color and firmness and have glossy skin. You can use a sharp knife or pruning shears to cut the fruits off the stem, taking care not to damage the plant or the remaining fruits.


Growing aubergines from seed can be a fun and rewarding experience, allowing you to produce fresh and healthy vegetables at home. With the right seeds, soil, light, water, and care, you can grow your aubergine plants and enjoy a bountiful eggplant harvest in a few months.

Remember to start the seeds indoors or in a greenhouse, transplant the seedlings, harden them off, and plant them outdoors in a sunny and well-draining spot. Water and fertilize the plants regularly and monitor them for pests and diseases. 

With a little effort and patience, you can grow delicious and nutritious aubergines from seed and impress your family and friends with your green thumb.

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